August Shows

Hello friends and fans,

Gosh it's hot! Good time to be inside if you haven't acclimated to this weather.  We got home Sunday night from a week in Clifftop, WV at the Appalachian String Band Festival, with daytime temps in the 80s, and needing blankets at night. It was glorious.

Anyway, have some fun shows coming up this month and over Labor Day weekend.   Square Root will be at the Easley Farmers Market this Saturday, so you can stop by and see Marshall and Gregg while you're buying produce if in the area.

Saturday night is our special house concert/MS fundraiser at the Goodwins. It is ALMOST SOLD OUT, so if you haven't yet made your reservation, please call or email Gale SOON!  For those who have already responded, thank you so much for your support.

With Marshall out of town for a few days, Lucy will be playing with 2 different configurations of the Saluda River Gals--at Scratch for their Pizza Palooza! party and then again at the Carolina First Saturday Market in downtown Greenville.

We close out the month back at the Pumpkintown Opry, a really fun evening with dinner (usually chicken, ribs, salad, dessert) and a variety show with music, skits, dancing wait staff.

Over Labor Day we're excited to be playing at the Cafe at Williams Hardware in Travelers Rest.

Hope to see you at a show!  Thanks for supporting Live Music.