Labor Day and Beyond

Hard to believe summer is about over and kids are headed back to school! The music festival season is winding down. We spent a muddy but fun time at the Appalachian String Band Festival in Clifftop WV in August, and Marshall is headed to Laurel Bloomery this weekend. Lucy, tired of mud and camping, is getting back to riding the bike in preparation for the MS Bike ride in early October. We also had a great time playing at the Upcountry History Museum in downtown Greenville. The Dark Corner exhibit is open until Sept 20, coming up next will be an exhibit about WWII and its impact in this area. Anne Blythe, the curator, understands the importance of including local music along with the history and culture and for that we thank her! In September we'll be kicking off the new music season at The Village Cup in Laurens over Labor Day Weekend, then back in Mauldin. September 12th we'll be joining our friends The Fine Arts Ramblers to celebrate Riverfest, sponsored by Friends of the Reedy. We'll be at the amphitheatre behind the Peace Center downtown. On the 3rd Saturday Lucy will be playing as one of the Saluda River Gals (along with Michele Turner, Amy Buckingham and Nancy Hamilton) at the Hagood Mill's Folklife Festival and Oldtime Fiddling Convention in Pickens. Finally, we'll finish the month back in Statesville, North Carolina at the Second Fret. Hope to see you soon! Thanks for supporting Live Music!