Out of Hibernation

Hello Friends and Fans,

The emails have been pretty quiet here during the winter month, but we haven't actually been that still.

After a very busy Christmas music season, Lucy and Marshall have been recharging our musical batteries through attending music festivals in Boone and Union Grove, and jamming with friends.  We don't have a lot of events coming up with just the two of us, but we're staying busy with all of our variations.

Marshall, Gregg and Mike continue as Square Root and will be at one of the first of the TD Saturday Market in Downtown Greenville.  The Wolf Moon String Band is playing a few dances (with some varied personnel, but it's all good!).  The BattleAxe Band has quite a few shows coming up.  One of our founding members, and fabulous banjo player Michele Turner, has decided to take a sabbatical from music for a while, so we are pleased that Brooke Lauer is joining us, sharing her skills in banjo, fiddle, and flat-footing!  She isn't really a BattleAxe yet, just a Battle Axe in Training, Certified Honey.

We're looking forward to all of the dances, markets, and shows where we'll be, and hope you can join us!

Thanks for supporting live music.