Where Has the Time Gone? Leaves that were green have turned to brown

Howdy Folks! We had a lot of fun this past month. October started with Marshall near Brevard at the Cradle of Forestry while Lucy rode her first century (100 miles) on the bike in support of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Thanks to all who donated (and who cheered me on). We had two nice Sundays at the Upcountry History Museum in downtown Greenville playing some Celtic music. They will soon open an exhibit on WWII and its impact in this region. Should be a powerful exhibit! We ended the month back at Brevard. Lucy brought home a 3rd place ribbon in Folk Song, and fellow Battle Axe band member Amy Buckingham placed 2nd in fiddle. The band had a great time playing, and with only 3 places awarded, we're sure we tied for 4th! Marshall judged the individual competitions instead of actively participating in them, and joined another band in the evening (another one that tied for 4th). We only have a few gigs in November, in part due to some family gatherings. The show at Downtown Coffee in Mauldin will be our last event before changing over to music for Christmas. It's a great coffeeshop, featuring Leopard Forest coffee and other treats, so we encourage you to come and support local business and live music.